Reported Speech: Top 15 Key Points

Understanding reported speech is important for accurately conveying what someone else has said. This guide covers the top 15 key points about reported speech in English.

No.Key PointExplanationExamples
1Basic Concept of Reported SpeechUsed to relay what someone else said without quoting them directly."She said that she was tired."
"He mentioned that he would be late."
2Changing Tenses in Reported SpeechOften involves backshifting tenses.Direct: "I am happy."
Reported: "She said she was happy."
3Reporting VerbsVerbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask' are commonly used."She told me that she had finished the task."
"He asked if I was okay."
4Reported StatementsStatements are typically reported with 'that' and a subject."He said that he had seen the movie."
"They mentioned that they were moving."
5Reported QuestionsQuestions in reported speech do not use the auxiliary do/does/did.Direct: "Where are you?"
Reported: "She asked where I was."
6Reported Commands and RequestsCommands and requests are reported with verbs like 'tell', 'ask', 'order', followed by an infinitive."She told me to wait."
"He asked me to call him."
7Reporting 'Yes/No' QuestionsReported with 'if' or 'whether'.Direct: "Are you coming?"
Reported: "He asked if I was coming."
8Time and Place in Reported SpeechReferences to time and place are often adjusted."I'll see you tomorrow." → "He said he would see me the next day."
9Pronoun Changes in Reported SpeechPronouns are often changed to match the perspective of the reporter.Direct: "I like your dress."
Reported: "She said she liked my dress."
10No Tense Change with Reporting Verbs in the PresentIf the reporting verb is in the present, the tense is not shifted."She says she is ready."
11Using 'Tell' in Reported Speech'Tell' is typically used with a direct object."He told me that he was hungry."
12Indirect QuestionsPhrased as statements but act as questions."She asked where the station was."
13Mixed Reported SpeechCombines direct and indirect speech."I am tired, she said, and I want to go home."
14Reporting SuggestionsSuggestions are often reported with 'suggest' + gerund or 'suggest' + that-clause."She suggested going to the cinema."
"He suggested that we should leave early."
15Reporting Thoughts and FeelingsThoughts and feelings can be reported with verbs like 'think', 'believe', 'feel'."He thought that the test was difficult."
"She felt that it was unfair."

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