Public Transportation

Below is a list of the 50 most commonly used vocabulary words that you are likely to encounter in various public transportation scenarios.

No.WordDefinitionExample Sentence
1BusA large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare."I take the bus to work every day."
2SubwayAn underground electric railway system."The subway is the fastest way to get across the city."
3TaxiA car licensed to transport passengers in return for payment of a fare."We hailed a taxi to take us to the airport."
4FareThe money a passenger on public transportation has to pay."The bus fare has increased this year."
5RouteA set way taken by a bus or other public transport."The number 10 bus follows a different route on Sundays."
6ScheduleA plan for carrying out a process, listing times at which certain tasks are to be undertaken."The train schedule is very convenient for commuters."
7StationA regular stopping place on a public transportation route, especially one on a railway line."I'll meet you at the central train station."
8TicketA piece of paper or card that gives the holder a certain right, especially to enter a place, travel by public transport, or participate in an event."Always remember to buy a ticket before boarding the train."
9PlatformThe area beside a railway track where passengers get onto and off trains."The train to London will depart from platform 9."
10ConductorA person who collects fares and sells tickets on a bus or train."The conductor checked our tickets during the journey."
11MetroA rapid transit system, also known as a subway or underground."The metro in Paris is very efficient."
12CommuteTravel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis."I commute by train every day."
13PassengerA person who travels in a vehicle but is not the driver or one of the crew."The bus was full of passengers during rush hour."
14RailThe system of transport that uses trains."Travelling by rail can be very scenic."
15TransitThe carrying of people, goods, or materials from one place to another."Public transit is essential in large cities."
16TransferTo change from one vehicle or transportation line to another."We had to transfer twice to reach our destination."
17LineA route taken by public transport."The green line is the fastest to the city center."
18TerminalA departure and arrival building for air and other forms of long-distance travel."Our flight leaves from terminal 3."
19TimetableA schedule showing the times at which buses, trains, or airplanes arrive and depart."Check the timetable to see when the next bus arrives."
20CarriageA vehicle, especially a railway car, for transporting passengers."We sat in the first carriage of the train."
21TramA rail vehicle which runs on tracks along public urban streets."The tram system in this city is very reliable."
22ShuttleA form of transportation that travels regularly between two places."The airport shuttle runs every 30 minutes."
23AccessibilityThe quality of being able to be reached or entered easily."This subway station has good accessibility for wheelchairs."
24CapacityThe maximum number of passengers a vehicle can carry."The bus has a capacity of 50 passengers."
25ExpressA faster than usual public transport service with fewer stops."We caught the express train to save time."
26ZoneAn area distinguished from other areas, used for a particular purpose or having a particular characteristic."My ticket is only valid in zone 1."
27BoardTo get on a ship, train, plane, or other vehicle."We boarded the train just in time."
28LuggageBags, cases, and other belongings carried by someone traveling."There's a luggage compartment at the end of the carriage."
29DriverA person who operates a vehicle."The bus driver was very friendly."
30Automated Ticket MachineA machine that dispenses tickets for public transportation."I bought my subway ticket at the automated ticket machine."
31Information DeskA place in a public building where people can get information and ask questions."I asked for directions at the information desk in the train station."
32AnnouncementA public or formal notice given about a specific matter, especially over a PA system."Listen to the announcements for train departure times."
33Platform NumberThe number assigned to a specific platform in a train or subway station."Our train departs from platform number 4."
34Departures BoardAn electronic display showing the times and destinations of departing trains or subways."Check the departures board to find out when your train leaves."
35Ticket InspectorAn official who checks passengers' tickets on public transportation."The ticket inspector is coming through the train now."
36DestinationThe place to which someone or something is going or being sent."Make sure your destination is clearly stated when you book a taxi."
37MeterA device in a taxi that records the distance traveled and calculates the fare."The taxi meter shows how much the ride will cost."
38Lost and FoundAn office in a public area where people can go to retrieve lost items."I left my umbrella on the train, so I'll check the lost and found."
39QueueA line or sequence of people awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed."There was a long queue at the ticket counter this morning."
40Luggage RackA shelf in a train or bus for storing passengers' luggage."We placed our suitcases on the luggage rack above our seats."
41ExitA way out of a building or passenger vehicle."The exit is at the end of the platform."
42Round-Trip TicketA ticket that allows someone to travel to a place and back again."I bought a round-trip ticket for the subway to avoid buying another ticket later."
43Single TicketA ticket that allows a passenger to travel only to their destination, without returning."A single ticket to downtown, please."
44Zone FareA fare system where the cost of a ticket depends on the number of zones traveled."The fare increases as you travel through more zones."
45Peak HoursThe times during the day when traffic and commuting are at their busiest."Fares are higher during peak hours."
46Off-PeakTimes outside of the busiest periods when traffic and commuting are less busy."You can save money by traveling during off-peak hours."
47Route MapA map showing the roads, paths, or travel routes."The route map shows all the stops the bus makes."
48Seat ReservationBooking a specific seat on a train, bus, or other forms of public transportation."I made a seat reservation for the window seat on the train."
49InterchangeA place where two or more routes of public transportation cross, allowing passengers to transfer."The interchange at the city center is always busy."
50Waiting AreaA designated place where passengers can wait for their transportation."The waiting area at the station is equipped with benches and a café."

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