Prepositions of Motion and Transport Phrases

A concise guide to understanding and using common prepositions of motion and phrases for boarding and alighting various modes of transport.

No.Word/PhraseExample SentenceExplanation
1.TowardsThe cat ran towards the house.Moving in the direction of something.
2.IntoShe walked into the room.Entering a space.
3.OntoThe bird landed onto the branch.Moving to the top of a surface.
4.OffHe jumped off the diving board.Moving away from a surface.
5.Out ofShe stepped out of the car.Leaving an enclosed space.
6.ThroughThey walked through the tunnel.Moving from one end to another within something.
7.OverThe plane flew over the mountains.Moving above something.
8.UnderThe dog crawled under the fence.Moving beneath something.
9.AroundWe drove around the city.Moving in a circular path.
10.AcrossHe swam across the river.Going from one side to the other.
11.UpShe climbed up the ladder.Moving to a higher position.
12.DownThe leaves fell down from the tree.Moving to a lower position.
13.AlongThey strolled along the beach.Moving forward on a path.
14.PastHe ran past the post office.Moving beyond something.
15.ToThey went to the cinema.Moving towards a specific destination.
16.FromHe returned from his trip.Originating from a place.
17.Out ofHe got out of the taxi.Exiting from a vehicle.
18.Away fromThe deer ran away from the noise.Moving to create distance from something.
19.Get on/intoShe got on the bus.Entering a larger vehicle.
20.Get off/out ofHe got off the train.Exiting a larger vehicle.
21.BoardWe boarded the airplane.Entering a plane or ship.
22.DisembarkPassengers disembarked the cruise ship.Leaving a ship or aircraft.
23.Hop onI hopped on my bicycle.Quickly getting onto a small vehicle.
24.Jump offHe jumped off his skateboard.Quickly getting off a small vehicle.
25.Climb aboardThe sailor climbed aboard the boat.Entering a boat or ship with effort.
26.Step offShe stepped off the escalator.Leaving a moving platform.
27.EnterHe entered the taxi.Getting into a car or small vehicle.
28.LeaveThey left the tram.Exiting a public transport vehicle.

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