Ordering at a Coffee Shop

Sam: A customer.
Alex: Barista at the coffee shop.
Sam is at a local coffee shop, ready to order their favorite drink.
SamHi, could I get a large cappuccino, please?
AlexOf course! Would you like any extra shots of espresso in that?
SamNo, thanks. Just the regular.
AlexSure thing. Would you like any pastries or snacks with that?
SamWhat do you have today?
AlexWe have freshly baked croissants, muffins, and scones. The blueberry muffin is particularly good today.
SamSounds delicious. I’ll take a blueberry muffin with my coffee.
AlexGreat choice! Will that be all for you today?
SamYes, that's it. How much do I owe you?
AlexThat’ll be $7.50. You can pay right here when you’re ready.
SamHere you go. [Hands over money]
AlexThank you, and here's your change. We’ll have your order ready shortly. Please feel free to find a seat.
SamThank you very much!

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