Passive Voice: Top 15 Key Points

Understanding the passive voice is important for emphasizing the action or the object of the action rather than the subject. This guide covers the top 15 key points about passive voice in English.

No.Key PointExplanationExamples
1Basic StructureFormed by the verb 'to be' + past participle."The book was read by her."
"A new mall is being built in the city."
2When to Use PassiveUsed when the focus is on the action, not the doer, or when the doer is unknown."The window was broken." (doer unknown)
"The novel was written by J.K. Rowling." (focus on the novel)
3Passive with 'by' PhraseThe 'by' phrase indicates who performed the action. It can be omitted if the doer is unknown or unimportant."The cake was eaten by the children."
"The letter was written." (doer not mentioned)
4Passive in Different TensesPassive voice can be used in different tenses by changing the form of 'to be'."The cake is made." (present)
"The cake was made." (past)
"The cake will be made." (future)
5Passive with ModalsCan be used with modal verbs."The cake can be made by her."
"The rules must be followed."
6Passive with Reporting VerbsOften used in reported speech or formal writing."It is said that he is a genius."
"The project was completed, as reported by the manager."
7Passive for FormalityUsed for a more formal tone in writing."The decision has been made."
"Investigations are being conducted."
8Avoiding Passive OveruseWhile useful, it should not be overused, as it can make writing cumbersome and vague.Overused: "The door was opened by him."
Better: "He opened the door."
9Passive Voice in Scientific WritingCommon in scientific or technical writing to focus on the process or object."The experiment was conducted at room temperature."
10Changing Active to PassiveThe object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.Active: "She wrote the book."
Passive: "The book was written by her."
11Passive with InfinitivesPassive infinitives are used after modal verbs or verbs usually followed by infinitives."She is expected to be promoted."
"The new model is believed to be faster."
12Passive with GerundsPassive gerunds can be used after prepositions or verbs followed by gerunds."The child is interested in being read to."
13Using 'Get' in PassiveInformal alternative to 'be' in passive constructions."She got hired by the company."
"He got promoted last year."
14Passive in QuestionsPassive voice can be used in questions."Was the book written by her?"
"Are the rules being followed?"
15Using Passive for ObjectivityProvides an objective tone by focusing on the action rather than the actor."Results are analyzed in this section."
"The decision was made based on the data."

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